Conscious Product Leadership Collective

FALL 2024

An 8-Week hybrid in-person/virtual coaching & co-working group for Product Leaders to strengthen their executive presence, build local product community and get plugged back into their leadership craft.

Are you a Product Leader in the NYC tri state area …

❌ Navigating the challenges of strategic communication as a leader? Whether you’re struggling with your executive presence or having trouble influencing your leadership team, your message isn’t landing and you’re falling short as the face of your product team. 

❌ Craving a sense of community without the ick of networking? As a Senior Director or Head of Product, it’s lonely at your level and you’re looking for people to connect with who can empathize with your specific challenges of leading product teams.

❌ Stifled by your routine and lacking in creativity and motivation? You spend most of your days in back-to-back meetings and have not recovered a sense of community post-pandemic as you work remotely from your small NYC apartment.

I get it because I’ve met you . 

My name is Jori, and I coach product leaders like you every day. I also host a monthly Product Breakfast series with industry leaders.

With 12+ years of corporate product experience, I understand the unique challenges you face—both in technical skills, process, and craft, but especially in interpersonal relationships, strategy, and influence.

I firmly believe that conscious communication - rooted in both intention and mindfulness - is the #1 skill a successful Product Leader can possess.

The pandemic has taken much from us, but maybe most pressing, it has atrophied our communicate muscles. And in a remote-first word, we’ve lost the interpersonal magic and compassion in the tangle of slack messages and emails.

I know that product leaders like you are craving more connection and support than they’re currently getting (it’s why my breakfasts are waitlisted every month!).

It’s why it felt obvious to me to build this program, The Conscious Product Leaders Collective. Within it you’ll rediscover …

✅ Your executive presence.

So that you feel more secure and steady as a leader. So can reclaim your voice to be a stronger storyteller, a more powerful negotiator and a fierce advocate for your customers & your team.

✅ Your real peer group.

So that you can connect with peers at your level. So you can build authentic connections with individuals who truly empathize with the hurdles you’re jumping over every day, no awkward networking happy hours or cold DMs required.

✅ Your intrinsic motivation.

So that you can recapture your energy and momentum again. So you can find inspiration and perspective to become a more intentional leader. And to break out of the confines of your normal 9-5 work day (because it’s time to get out of your hood again!).


Inside the Conscious Product Leadership Collective, you’ll get…

8 Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

I’ll host a total of 8 Weekly group coaching sessions with a hybrid in person/video structure.

Week A: In-Person Group Sessions & Breakfast at Fabrik, anchored in themes like executive presence, storytelling, managing up & negotiation

Week B: Virtual Office Hours to get tactical support and accountability check-ins

✅ You’ll walk away feeling centered, supported and SEEN by a group of peers going through the same challenges you’re experiencing as a leader.

VALUE: $1200

4 Biweekly Co-working Days in Manhattan

I’ll host 4 co-working days at Fabrik, a community space built for belonging in Tribeca. You’ll start your days with group coaching and fill the rest up with connection, conversation and inspiration beyond your immediate coaching group. And yes, you can take meetings from the space :-)

✅ You’ll walk away feeling inspired as you bump into other creatives and community builders buzzing through the lofted space downtown.

VALUE: $120

1 60-min 1:1 Coaching Session

I’ll guide you through a 1:1 discovery session. We’ll use your coaching time to rediscover the work that lights you up so that we you can craft ambitious, yet achievable goals for the end of the year.

✅ You’ll walk away feeling clear on your biggest growth areas and motivated to implement changes in your day-to-day operations.

VALUE: $500

8 Weeks of Unlimited Slack-sess To Me

You’ll have access to me and your peer group on slack 24/5. Life happens outside of sessions and you’ll have the opportunity to get the async support you need as you experiment with new tools to drive your product team & career forward.

✅ You’ll walk away feeling like you’ve got a coach - and a trusted peer group - in your back pocket. Aka supported AF.

VALUE: $1,000

Total Value: $2,820

Total Investment: $2,520

BUT WAIT! Save 10% Until September 6th

Early birds 🐦 $2,268

Before you apply, consider the criteria to join to make sure you’re a fit:

  • You must be a senior leader with at least 10+ years of product experience with titles like Director, Senior Director or Head of Product.

  • You must be able to join us in-person in NYC every other week starting in mid-September (dates to be finalized) for a majority of our sessions.

  • If you’re not sure about level or availability apply and we can chat more to see if it’s a right fit for you.


“I just wrapped up an 8-week Lean Product Accelerator coaching session led by Jori Bell. It was a transformative experience! Jori's insights, grounded in deep industry experience, along with the support from fellow participants, proved essential for our team as we prepared to launch our first product. Her understanding of our challenges and her practical advice helped us navigate through the crucial final stages of our MVP release.”

I was able to apply some of the learnings on Strategy, comms and managing up immediately which had immediate results with one of my initiatives getting approved. 1) Strategy & comms 2) Managing up & relationship building 3) Sponsorship for career growth 4) Solopreneurship.”

“I started the program wanting to scale myself so I could do more for the team and I left realizing the need to empower the team for them to make decisions and own more things! Jori was my thought partner as my organisation went through a restructure during the program to bounce ideas off and work through strategies. For those PMs working in small teams, spending time with Jori is exactly what you need!”

“I’ve never felt more reassured that what I experience on a daily basis at work is universal. I feel more centered and aligned on what my goals are.”

It really helped my confidence because I realized a lot of people are struggling with the same issues as me. It also gave me the boost I needed to start job searching!

Ready to strengthen your executive presence, build local product community and get plugged back into your craft?